What Lemon Tee has in mind? This is the place to find out.


New Found Inspiration
Oof! I finally back. Damn, it's been a while. I've been down and back. Just found my new found inspiration: emotional turnmoil. I guess now I understand how certain people need strong emotions throughout their life to obtain inspiration. It does give you a lot of inspiration. I hope I can find some...um, scientific explaination about the whole. Why? It makes the whole thing more understandable.
So...how do you feel when you're in love? How does it feel to be in love? I just found out that when I'm in love, I get nauseated. Is this just me?

Coreshaker : someone who shakes your heart badly, your one great love (from episode 1, season 5, Sex and The City)

I also just found out who is my coreshaker, but I'm too shy to say who it is.