What Lemon Tee has in mind? This is the place to find out.


The Aftermath
Okay, okay. So this all 'my coreshaker looses his shakes' is part my fault..............................
Okay, it's ALL my fault. I should put the blame on my exessive expectations. Fine, fine! My bad.
But exessive expectations are like hope. Or maybe not. But one does expects things or rather guess from the visible traits of one other. Those we can see, becomes our base in judging, or in my case, assembling personalities of a coreshaker. Basically, one can dream, can't they? Or at least guess, hope, exessively expect. Whatever.
So...what is a coreshaker? Someone who shakes your core. But now I should put a footnote on that description that say: Remember, he's only human. He's no angel, my coreshaker. Though his visible traits and personalities does somehow closely resemble one, he's no angel. He has faults, he made mistakes (he's divorced for crying out loud), so what if he is a playboy. So what if he is a player...he's still a man (a real man, for sure).
Bottomline, keep in mind that a coreshaker is still human, definetely no angel at all. Whatever...

News Flash
My coreshaker looses his shakes.