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It's A Sad Day

It's a sad day. I just heard that one of my sister's friend just died. She had a motorbike accident just yesterday. She was thrown off the bike, hit the road, then dragged a few more feet. She broke her neck and fractured her skull. When she was brought to the hospital, the doctors said that it was only a matter of hours. She would not make it. It is a sad tradegy.

This happened when the girl was just finishing her high school. Just days away from her graduation and weeks away from enroling college. A youth soul cut short. It happened so suddenly. No one ever expected it. But it did happen. And it makes me think.

This probably would not have happen if:
Her boyfriend ride the bike carefully, not speeding, and not trying to cut the traffic from the opposite side because he wanted to go faster. This happens a lot lately. Motorbike riders sometimes do not care about the rule, therefor do not care about their own safety and the safety of the people they are riding with. They cut traffic. They go zig-zagging inside the crowded traffic to find a very tight space, so they could reach their destination faster. Bottom line, they're not careful just for the sake of getting there faster.

She wears the proper gear for motorbike, which is a motorbike helmet. This also breaking the rules. Not that I want bad-mouthing a deceased person or anything. I just thought to point out that this also happens a lot lately. People, the rider and the ridee, wears unproper helmets. I've seen it so many times.

It makes me think a lot. I've been quite upset about the condition of the motorbike lately. They're getting rude and unsafe more and more each day. And when this happens, it just prove it. This is the case, the example.

To all the motorbike riders and ridee out there, please be careful. An extra concern note to the riders. You have the advantage of being the riders, please be careful. The ridee is not going to be as lucky as you are if something happens. So remember when you drive carelessly, you are endangering another person. That you have someone else's life in your hands. I'm sure you don't want to life forever regreting your careless driving.



Artistic Viggo

I tried this quiz on quizzila.com, that my fellow Viggo list refered. And yes, I am his fans (in case you didn't read between the lines).

Artistic Viggo

What kind of Viggo Mortensen are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


American Idol? For real?

Okay, this is disappointing. First, it was Jennifer. Then George Huff. And now? LaToya. Those are three of four the best singers in the competition. Hellooooow? What's happening? What's next? Fantasia? If she ever get voted-off, my American Idol-watching-routine is gone baby! No more American Idol in this house. I can't believe that two of the 'alright' singers stay on the competition. Because of what? Are they good singers? Not as good as those three (Jen, George, LaToya)! Are they good looking? Well, surely people think so seeing the way they stay. For your information...it's a singing competition, not a popularity contest. This is turning to be the ugliest season ever. Even Ryan Seacrest doesn't worth it if Fantasia got booted.

When Jennifer was voted off, I stayed on. When George Huff was voted off, I shruged off the possibility of stop watching. I will stay watching until it turns to the ugliest possibility ever...that two 'alright' singer is going to fight for the top position and it's runner up. If that happens, that's it. Might as well rename the show into something like American something.

Wait, I have take care of my zit first. Damn these hormons.

Okay, back. Got a cotton with alcohol on it. Hurt a little, but the price to be beautiful. Hwahahahaha. I can't believe I've said that.

All of this mess wouldn't have happen if...I could vote. Being geographical impossible to vote get to my nerve. I'll pay good amount of money if only I can vote. *sigh* Me feel bad. Me feel a piece of cookies coming right into my mouth this any minute. Wait...okay, I still can eat something. Cut-off time is 8 pm. I'm off...to get my cookie.